Author: Adam Axelrod

  • Effective Agile: Remote Teams

    We provide guidance on how to effectively manage remote teams in an Agile environment. In the end we share a checklist that engineering managers can use to self-check that they are managing their remote teams effectively.

  • Effective Agile: Standups

    Daily standups are one of the most important practices in Agile. We share our recommendations and experiences towards running effective Agile standups. The most important Agile event, standups provide a means to build a culture of consistency and focus on making progress on the team’s priorities for that sprint. In the end we share a succinct checklist that engineering managers can use to self-check that they are running effective standups.

  • Effective Agile: Estimation

    In this podcast we continue in our podcast series on Effective Agile and discuss the importance of estimation and how it is a fundamental building block for effective teams. We share tips and techniques to help teams become better at estimating and also share practical experiences with estimation. In the end, we provide a concise checklist that engineering managers can use to self-check that they are applying the best techniques for estimation.

  • Effective Agile: Best Practices

    In this podcast, we start a four-part discussion on Agile teams. We share key best practices for effectively building and managing Agile teams, discuss why these practices are important, and provide tools to implement them easily. In the end, we share a succinct checklist that engineering managers can use to self-check that they are building and managing Agile teams effectively.

  • Practicing Observe and Absorb

    In this podcast we define the concept of 'observe and absorb', discuss why it is important and share practical recommendations to engineering managers on how to use this tool to unlock and build stronger working relationships. In the end, we share a checklist that engineering managers can use to start practicing "observe and absorb".

  • Effective Time Management for Engineering Managers

    Effective Time Management

    In this podcast we define the effective time management, discuss why it is important and share practical recommendations to engineering managers on how to make most out of their time. In the end, we share a check list that engineering managers can use to self-check that they are using their time effectively.